Hey! We are back. In part 1 of Top 30 features to include when creating a small business website, we discussed a few significant elements that draw customer attention. At the same time, it is true that not every website is alike. They are undoubtedly similar in a few aspects. For example, no website is complete without an email address, contact number, domain address.

If you have not read Part 1. Here is the link. And a quick recap:

Top Features to include when creating a small business website (Snaps from Part 1)

1. A Strong Domain Name
2. An SSL Certificate
3. Brand Logo
4. Tagline
5. Cookies
6. A call-to-action
7. Email
8. Phone Number
9. Top Navigation
10. Business Location/Hours
11. Testimonials and Reviews
12. Social Media Channel links
13. Online Chat Feature
14. Personalized “About Us” Page
15. A Search Function

Now continuing to Part 2, you will learn more features to add to your website that a business cannot live without.

Let’s go!

16. Blog section

Writing blogs is one of the ways to build trust with your prospective clients and a relationship with your existing or future clients. Whether you have information about a feature you want to talk about or a case study to establish your authority in the industry, a blog section becomes your word count among the key elements.

They are a great way to update your website’s information frequently. You could hire professional copywriters to do it for you. Blogs can also boost your SEO rankings. Make sure you are using the right keywords. This will, in turn, improve your discoverability and search engine position.

17. Comment section

Many individual studies show that indifference is the number one reason clients leave a business and switch to a different brand. To avoid such pitfalls, website design companies for small businesses must incorporate a comment section on their website.

To encourage comments, you can end your blogs with questions like, “Did we include all the information you were looking for? We would love to hear your opinion! Or share with us what you think! Or Did you like the information provided? Help us improve. Share your views in the comments below!”

18. Quality Content

Quality Web content is the main feature of every website building for small businesses. Imagine it like this; a customer visits your website for information. But what your website serves them instead is a lecture.

Treat this small business website development segment as an extended representative of your business. What would you want your consumers to know if you knew them personally? What would the consumers want to listen to for a long time? What would you say to them to build trust between your brand and your customer?

19. Newsletter Sign up button

An effective marketing strategy relies on understanding consumer psychology. You need to anticipate customer behavior and build your small business website content around that parameter.

A signup form is how you can make sure you regularly update your customers about your company, blog, or brand. This mechanism can be button integrated or embedded in every page on the site. A newsletter sign-up button opens the door to increase a better understanding of your products and service.

20. Quality Visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words. In digital marketing, this is true. While well-written content is essential, visuals matter a lot. This is understood because a movie with no running images fails to leave an impressive impact on the listeners’ minds. Today website designers offer unique graphic designs which fit small business web designs costs without a problem.

21. Meta Descriptions and Meta Title

Meta titles are the titles of a page that are critically important in ensuring a better user experience and on-page search engine optimization. For those who are not familiar with on-page SEO, it is the practice of optimizing web pages for users and search engines. This includes giving a title to the page and describing what the page is about. Google may not understand the content in your pages, which is why it is done manually.

22. Site Map

Your ultimate business goal is to appear in Google’s search engines. Your website needs to be appropriately indexed by crawlers for that to happen. Web crawlers or spiders are responsible for indexing content websites all across the internet to appear in search engine results. Web designer experts explain that a sitemap is a list of pages that informs the web crawlers which pages on your website are available for indexing.

23. Easily Readable Fonts

The purpose of having a website is to interact with your customers. But what is the point of having a website if your customers cannot understand what you have talked about? Your content information needs to be clear and, more specifically, easily readable.

Some different styles and fonts are often available as part of the website services for small businesses themes. You might be interested in a fancy font style. However, you must ensure that it goes well with your theme and looks good on every device. That is why it is good to use simple styled, colored fonts that can be read in different sizes. Changing fonts with other browsers overcomplicates things.

24. Easy to recognize links

How much time would you like your customers to spend to buy your service? The answer is, as less as for the prospect to understand that your service is useful for them. You wouldn’t want your customers to spend a whole 10-15 minutes on your website and not buy anything. Thus, it is vital to include links on your website to encourage visitors to buy things. You can include links like “Click here” to instruct them. When a person is browsing the website, they should see those links.

25. FAQ Page

Your customers will probably have many questions that your website content couldn’t answer. Chances are, those questions are something that many of your customers meant to ask. If you have been in the business for long, you probably know them all. But it is impossible to answer all the questions personally. It is much easier and more convenient to include an FAQ page to simply ask all the questions that your customers regularly ask about your services.

26. Privacy Policy Page

Privacy Policy Pages may not be among the popular documents on your website but are an integral part of the best website for small businesses that explain the procedures on using information collected from your visitors. This is also how search engines determine whether yours is a credible business or not.

27.Service Cost details

Once the customer has decided they like your business services, they would most likely want to know whether your products are affordable or not? Every customer or client has certain budget limits that they may not be willing to stretch.

Traditionally, creating small business websites used to be expensive as the limitations on the availability of resources compelled entrepreneurs to pay hefty amounts to programmers. But in the 21st century, the innovations in technology have made it possible for web designers to create an affordable website design for small businesses without hurting the pockets of business owners.

28. Next page

When you have written over 30 blogs, your blog home page tends to look infinitely lengthy as website designers often attempt to incorporate all the featured blogs into one page. Instead, it is better to segregate and categorize the page numerically. You can decide to display only ten out of 30 blogs on one page and the next ten on the next page. This will allow customers to feel less burdened with information.

29. Quick Links

Quick links are also called speed links. They are as explanatory as they can be. They are a collection of links frequently used to access most visited pages or complete the most common actions. For example, a user looking for a website gallery can easily navigate to the gallery page if the link is provided in the quick links section. The list of salient links that you want quickly accessible is usually embedded at the bottom of the home page.

30. Portfolio

The portfolio is the place where you shine. A portfolio on the website showcases a business’s best works in their basic form. It is a unique way to let others know how you have been helping other companies rise to success. The portfolio needs to be short, the challenges, your approach to solving the query, and the results.


Whether designing a website yourself or hiring a website design company for a small business website, the features mentioned above are a must-have. You can take the above points as a guide to ensure your website attracts the desired traffic and brings potential buyers.